Deployment areas and challenges

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Revision as of 11:26, 9 July 2013 by Jklinglm (talk | contribs) (Group 1)
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Group 1

What are the main civil applications?

  • survaillance
  • broadcasting
  • inspection
  • agricultural and habitat monitoring
  • documentation
  • incident sites for insurances
  • complement remote sensing

multi UAV?

  • distributed view
  • different views of a site
  • weather measurements / weather forecast / local and global view
  • different grid size measurements
  • basic infrastructure distribute device
  • drop devices somewhere
  • cannot be accessed, hazardous environments, leakage of gas.

Very few existing applications?

  • survaillance
  • military use
  • fixed wing photogrametry
  • MULTI UAV: Art installations: ARS electronica (100 UAVs), like a firework, 3D screen

What are the challenges in deploying an autonomous multi-UAV system in real-world?

  • reliability
  • system complexity
  • flying close, positioning
  • spacial and temporal callibration
  • control via visual inputs only
  • legal issues
  • scalability in reality (large number of devices)

Group 2

Group 2, Day 2

Group 3

What are the main non-military applications?

  • inspection (e.g., photovoltaic systems, wind turbines)
  • search/search and rescue operations
  • mapping (e.g., 3D reconstruction of cities, construction sites)
  • documentation (e.g., archeaological sites, construction work)
  • monitoring (e.g., forest fire, wildlife)
  • video and photography
  • surveillance
  • transportation of goods
  • aspects
    • indoor/outdoor
    • single/multi UAVs
    • static/dynamic applications

Existing case studies, applications

What are the challenges in deploying an autonomous multi-UAV system in real-world

  • availablity of stable, reliable UAVs
  • communication
  • synchronization, proper real-time operating system for sensors, clock synchronization, low-jitter communication
  • power (management, batteries, efficiency, recharging)
  • legal issues, licensing
  • social acceptance
  • safety
  • security (theft of drones, manipulation)

Group 4