Conferences and magazines covering self-organizing systems

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Title Publisher ISSN Impact Comments
Complexity Wiley Interscience 1099-0526 SCImago good
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems ACM 1556-4665 SCImago very high
InterJournal NECSI 1081-0625 currently very low disrtibuted online journal, founded by Yaneer Bar-Yam
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems Inderscience 1754-8640 low
Advances in Complex Systems World Scientific 0219-5259 SCImago good
Emergence: Complexity and Organization Emergent Publications 1521-3250 SCImago low
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity Allerton Press 1009-6124 SCImago low formerly: Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences
Springer Complexity Series

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