Centennial Problems in Self-Organization and Smart Grids

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Centennial Problems in Self-Organization and Smart Grids - Group II

1. Incorporation of other supply aspects (Gas, Water, Heat, Telecommunication)
2. Search for new types of energy generation (fusion?) and transmission (super conductivity, beaming?)
3. New modeling of energy, communication, optimization, management
4. Self-organizing algorithms (self-configuration, self-healing, self-coordination, agreement, synchronization)
5. Grid stability
6. Artificial Intelligence that makes sound decisions
7. Smooth transition from a centralized grid to a decentralized grid (How will it look like. How will it be realized)
8. Sensor networks for Smart Grids
9. Evaluation of Testing Methods
10. Energy storage (new storage technologies?)
11. New ways of social/economic modeling
12. Energy reducing technologies
13. New of regulatory framework
14. Environmental issues of power production
15. Bottom up integration of Smart Homes
16. Funded applied research on distributed self-organized Communication, Processing and Optimization