FP7 Objective 3.3.3

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Objective ICT-2011.3.3

New paradigms for embedded systems, monitoring and control towards complex systems engineering

The objective is to push forward the limits of embedded systems, monitoring, control and optimisation technologies and "System-of-Systems" engineering. The aim is to develop novel methodologies and advanced engineering approaches for designing, developing and executing/running complex/large scale, distributed, and cooperating systems. These systems need to satisfy high performance, reliability, survivability and power-awareness requirements and cope with internal and/or external uncertainties/disturbances. Linking and connecting together large yet autonomous adaptive systems, call for new paradigms of systems design, towards "System of Systems" engineering, e.g. complementing the "correct by construction" by a "correct by evolution" design approach. Multi-disciplinary cooperation and multi-aspect concurrent design (where appropriate) from the computing, control, communications, energy consumption and information theory & engineering points of view is highly encouraged, including, where relevant, support or enhancements of new educational curricula and training.

Target outcomes

To facilitate the design and development of advanced Embedded Systems composed of any number of independent, mainly heterogeneous and interacting intelligent embedded components and sub-systems, emphasis is on: a) Novel dependable and scalable architectures and tools mainly for energy efficient and energy-aware, heterogeneous embedded systems; projects may include, whereas relevant, enhancements of educational curricula. b) Secure composition concepts, methods and novel validation / verification / testing techniques and tools, including meta-modelling. To achieve stable and robust behaviour of (in particular closed loop) real life systems, actions should address the systematic engineering, through (embedded) intelligence, diagnostics, advanced control and optimisation techniques and the development of systems capable of dealing with complex, distributed and/or uncertain dynamics and/or very large amounts of sensory data and standardisation of configuration interfaces and exchange platforms. Emphasis is on: c) Robust distributed estimation/prediction, cooperative networked control, synchronisation, and optimisation methods in industrial environments. d) Energy-aware, self-organising, monitoring and control systems including fault-adaptive methods for adjusting to/recovering from failures. Projects may include usage of wireless sensor/actuator networks in closing reliably the control loops. Research actions should demonstrate proof of concept. This outcome complements Objective 2.1 / target outcome (b. At a much higher and at global system level, actions should analyse and advance the management of behaviour of very large scale, or complex man-made systems towards the design, development and engineering of System-of–Systems (SoS). Emphasis will be on concepts, methods, architectures and tools towards building SoS addressing societal needs e.g. in distributed energy systems and grids, multi-site industrial production, emergency coordination and global traffic control. The work should demonstrate its potential use across more than one application sectors. Focus is on: e) Basic underpinning technologies such as large scale modelling and simulation to understand the operation and behaviour of the constituent systems of SoS and of their interdependencies and to allow them to work together for a common goal and/or a global end-to-end optimisation of behaviour. Concepts, methods, architectures or tools addressing the autonomy versus cooperation challenges in SoS engineering as well as the management of dynamic properties as constituent systems of SoS change, are added or removed as the SoS structure and goals evolve. f) Coordination and support actions for elaborating strategic research and engineering roadmaps by bringing together all the relevant stakeholders and elaborating representative case studies. To facilitate and promote international cooperation, focus is on: g) Analysis of international research agendas and preparation of concrete joint R&D initiatives for international collaboration, in particular with the USA mainly in the area of SoS and Western Balkan Countries (WBC), mainly in the monitoring and control area. Separate proposals per geographic area are expected. Expected Impacts • Improved industrial competitiveness through strengthened capabilities in advanced embedded systems, in monitoring, control and optimisation of large-scale complex systems, in areas like energy, transport, and production, and in engineering SoS. • New business eco-systems providing innovative products and services based on SoS. • Reinforced European scientific excellence and technological leadership in the design and operation of large-scale complex systems. • Wider educational and training activities in systems and control engineering in Europe at all levels. • International cooperation with targeted geographical areas creating mutual benefits which will further European interests on focused technical topics. Funding schemes a), b), c), d): IP, STREP

e): IP; It is expected that a minimum of one IP is supported.  

f), g): CSA. Funding per CSA under g) should not exceed EUR 0.5 million Indicative Budget distribution8 IP/STREP: EUR 46 million of which a minimum of 50% to IPs and a minimum of 30% to STREPs CSA: EUR 4 million Call

FP7-ICT-2011-7 (Deadline: Jan 2011)