Self-Organizing Systems Research Groups

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Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt

The University of Klagenfurt researches SOS in the technical domain as well as in the context of social sciences.

Links to working groups:

Lakeside Labs

Lakeside Labs is a new research and technology centre established in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, working in the information and communication technology sector. It represents the link that connects science, theory and industry, offering numerous possibilities for national and international research institutions and industry partners to come together and cooperate. This is where fundamental research and technology research are combined. In close cooperation with university departments, new concepts, technologies and algorithms for 'self-organizing networked systems' are being developed.

Universität Passau

Institut für Rechnernetze und Rechnerkommunikation, Prof. Hermann de Meer

University of Washington College of Engineering

  • Eric Klavins

Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Computer Science

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group

A multidisciplinary research group focusing on the emergence and evolution of organization:

  • how does a collection of autonomous, but interacting, agents self-organize?
  • how does it evolve to an increasingly cooperative, adaptive and intelligent system?
  • what does such spontaneous evolution imply for our scientific worldview?

Understanding these processes allows us to design for self-organization: develop systems that spontaneously evolve towards synergy, adaptation and intelligence. Members include:

Almende B.V.

Almende B.V. is a hi-tech research company specializing in self-organization and multi-agent systems. The company page can be found at while the European Replicator project on self-reconfigurable modular robots that have been topic of the talk can be found at the blog (with a lot of movies) at and the project wiki at

New England Complex Systems Institute

The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) is an independent educational and research institution dedicated to advancing the study of complex systems.