Researchers in self-organizing systems

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  • Marco Dorigo, ULB, Belgium
  • Ebrahim Foulandvand, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran
  • David Hales, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Dirk Helbing, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • Joseph L. Hellerstein, Google, USA already IWSOS PC and keynote
  • Tom Holvoet, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
  • Geoff James, CIRSRO, Australia smart energy systems
  • Landis Kannberg, PNNL, USA works on energy, smart grids
  • Albert Y.S. Lam, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • María-Elena Lárraga-Ramírez, UNAM, Mexico
  • Paul Marrow, BT, UK
  • Adilson E Motter, Northwestern University, USA
  • Mark Newman, University of Michigan, USA
  • H. Van Parunak, NewVectors, USA
  • Jordan Pollack, Brandeis University, USA
  • Juval Portugali, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Mikhail Prokopenko, CISRO, Australia
  • Hiroki Sayama, Binghampton University, USA
  • Luc Steels, VUB, Belgium and SonyLab, France
  • Steven Strogatz, Cornell, USA
  • Vito Trianni, ISTC-CNR, Italy
  • Justin Werfel, Harvard, USA
  • Alessandro Vespignani, Indiana University, USA
  • Tamas Vicsek, ELTE, Hungary
