Lakeside Research Days'08

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The Lakeside Research Days 2008 have been organized as a five days workshop and a previous half-day prolog. The main topic of the workshop was self-organizing systems and their application in the technical domain.

In the prolog topics for the main workshop were elaborated among a team of researchers from the University of Klagenfurt. At the five days workshop invited experts, local professors and young researchers discussed and elaborated ideas in the field of Self-Organizing Systems (SOS). The main emphasis of the workshop was on soliciting discussions and creating new ideas on the topic of self-organizing networks and their applications in the technical domain. This year, the workshop was organized for the first time. It was organized with the assistance from Lakeside Labs and took place at the University of Klagenfurt in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria. The topics treated involved definition of SOS, possible methodologies for designing SOS, showcases for SOS in the technical domain, and the role of SOS among other disciplines in science. As early results from the Lakeside Research Days, a special session at the Autonomics’08 conference was organized and a paper on the workshop topics was published at the IWSOS’08 workshop. Furthermore, contact among the institutions of the participants is expected to lead to further research collaborations.


Featured talks

Design and Control of Self-Organizing Systems
Carlos Gershenson,
New England Complex Systems Institute
Vrje Universiteit Brussel

Tools and Methods for the Design of Self-Organizing Systems
Prof. Hermann De Meer,
Universität Passau

Managing Networks Using Autonomic Principles
Prof. John Strassner,
Associate Professor, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
Chairman, Autonomic Communications Forum
Motorola Fellow and Vice President, Autonomic Research
Motorola Labs

Bio-inspired Design of Self Organizing Systems
Wilfried Elmenreich,
Lakeside Labs/Institute for Networked and Embedded Systems
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Organizing Groups of Vehicles in Neighborcast Protocols
Nick Maxemchuk,
Columbia University

Self-Organizing Slot Synchronization
Prof. Christian Bettstetter
Lakeside Labs/Institute for Networked and Embedded Systems
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Falko Dressler,
University of Erlangen

See also

Lakeside Research Days'09